3 Reasons WordPress is Still The Preferred CMS System

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites and blogs. It’s one of the most popular CMSs in the world, and its free open-source software has been translated into more than 100 languages. In this article, our Identify Digital Website Design investigates 3 reasons why WordPress is still the preferred CMS system.

3 reasons why WordPress is still the preferred CMS system

Here are 3 of the top reasons why WordPress is still the preferred CMS system:

  1. WordPress is easy to use

WordPress is easy to use because it provides content managers with a framework that allows them to create a website without needing to know how to code. It also has a large community of users and developers who can help content managers with any questions or problems that they encounter when using the platform.

The WordPress platform includes everything that content managers need to get a website up and running. For example, it provides content managers with hosting, domain names and content management systems (CMS). This allows them to customise their theme, install plugins and make minor edits. The CMS also comes with built-in security features that keep their sites safe.

  1. WordPress is flexible

WordPress is a flexible platform because it can be extended to fit any need. It’s an open-source system, meaning that anyone can develop and contribute to it. This allows developers to create new modules, themes and plug-ins that can be added to WordPress, making it more robust and complex, or simpler, if they prefer.

Additionally, WordPress has a large community of users who create themes and plugins for the platform. These themes and plugins are usually free to use and install, meaning that developers don’t have to pay for premium features or additional features. The community also helps keep the platform secure by reporting vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

  1. WordPress is open-source

WordPress is open-source. This means that it’s made by a community of people who want to improve the software as they use it.

The WordPress community is composed of developers, designers, and users, and they all have different interests in the project. The developers want to make sure that WordPress is always improving, while the designers are more focused on making sure that WordPress looks great. The users, on the other hand, want something easy-to-use and customisable so that they can build their own sites with ease. This means that WordPress is something that any user can use as there’s something for everyone. This massively contributes to its popularity.

For more information about why WordPress is still the preferred CMS system, feel free to contact a member of our team today.