4 Common Issues in Compliance Training and How to Solve Them

There are numerous topics to cover for a company to stay compliant, from anti-harassment, to diversity training and orientations about the company’s specific policies. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

And because your organization’s employees have a lot on their hands, you’ll want to make sure you don’t waste anyone’s time during compliance training courses. That means watching out for common mistakes and issues to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Here are some of the common issues you may face during compliance training and how to prevent and fix them.

  1. Covering Too Much

If you provide too much compliance training too soon, you’ll overwhelm employees. At that point, they won’t understand how those lessons will relate to them, so they end up forgetting what they learned. Moreover, employees will feel that they entered a bleak and strict workplace, which would affect retention rates and productivity levels.

Instead of doing that, begin with compliance topics that actually matter most to the company and industry. It may also be best to offer online compliance training using a reliable LMS for employees to learn at a comfortable and convenient place.

  1. Long Courses

Long courses are a huge problem for many training courses, including compliance-related ones. For starters, long sessions would impede workflow, straining employees. Second, long sessions are usually boring, so they don’t engage employees. Finally, long courses are actually pointless because the longer the compliance training doesn’t affect its effectiveness.

Don’t be that boss who makes courses long to cover as many topics in one go. Go for more focused training by including only valuable and relevant information to keep employees engaged and learning what they need to.

  1. No Practice

Some employees would need to follow safety procedures every day, while others need to confront and report any inappropriate behaviors. And in case of an emergency, everyone needs to know how to respond immediately.

That means employees must put their compliance training into practice. But if you just handed them videos and eBooks, how will they be able to do so?

That’s why you must facilitate practice during in-person compliance training. On-the-job training and mock drills are crucial, helping employees follow daily safety precautions and act swiftly during emergencies.

  1. Courses are Too Difficult

Some compliance topics may have information that won’t correspond to the workforce’s knowledge level. This usually happens with more technical topics, such as cybersecurity learning.

Challenging courses will simply overload employees with the information they might not even need to learn! Prevent this from happening by ensuring the content you roll out is suitable to the target audience, aka the department, you plan to train.

Remember, not all employees aren’t legal professionals who know corporate law! For instance, your IT staff will require advanced cybersecurity training, but everyone else will benefit from basic security practices instead.

Wrapping It Up

Keep all these common issues in mind so you won’t have trouble with your following compliance training courses.